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Summary of changes to Terms & Conditions and Data Privacy

29 Jun 2024

We have updated our Terms & Conditions and Data Privacy Statement together with other policies to remove references to our associated law firm, Harneys, and to clarify that Harneys law firm entities no longer form part of the same corporate group as Harneys Fiduciary. They also include some modifications to the data and information sharing arrangements between the two organisations.

Specifically, we have:

Terms & Conditions

  • amended the definitions to ensure that it is clear that whilst we remain strategic alliance partners, Harneys Fiduciary is separate to Harneys Law Firm (by listing the law firm and fiduciary entities under two separate definitions)
  • updated the definition of Data Protection Law
  • removed any direct undertakings or obligations given to Harneys Law Firm (Observance of Laws and Copyright clauses)
  • clarified that your data may be shared with Harneys Law Firm (as was the case previously) or other law firms you or we have engaged on your behalf, primarily for the purposes of providing services to you and complying with our obligations to you (Confidentiality and Exchange of Information clauses)

Data Privacy Statement

  • amended the definitions to ensure that it is clear that whilst we remain strategic alliance partners, Harneys Fiduciary is separate to Harneys Law Firm (by listing the law firm and fiduciary entities under two separate definitions)
  • updated the definition of Data Protection Law
  • specifically identified the legal basis or Permitted Purpose we rely on when collecting, using or sharing your data (When We Collect Your Data, How We Will Use Your Data and How We Will Share Your Data paragraphs)
  • explained our relationship with Harneys Law Firm (Our Relationship With Harneys Law Firm paragraph)

We encourage you to review the updated Terms & Conditions and Data Privacy Statement. By continuing to use our products and services on or after the last updated date on the document in question, you agree to our updated Terms & Conditions and Data Privacy Statement. These documents will be available to you anytime you need them through the links on our home page.

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